The X Fools The Spoof Is Out There Interactive PC CD-ROM Parody Game and Online Comedy

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"The X Fools The Spoof Is Out There - An Interactive PC CD-ROM Parody Game and Online Comedy. From 1997. Rated Teen 13+ for mild language and suggestive themes.

Play three games:

  • Abduct This!
  • Trust No One
  • Run Agent Run!
  • and more!

The Unauthorized Paranoid Paranormal Parody of the X-Files.

Government Cover ups? Alien Autopsies? Join Mully and Scudder, two ultra-paranoid ex-FBI agents, as they expose "the real truth" in this hilarious CD-ROM, packed with interactive games and paranormal activities!"

For PC and Mac.


Windows 3.1/Windows 95 486/66 MHz (Pentium recommended), for Windows 3.1 - 8 MB RAM (16 MB RAM or more recommended), for Windows 95  - 16 MB RAM, 15 MB free hard disk space, SVGA monitor (640x480), 256 colors), double-speed CD-ROM (quad-speed or faster recommended). 8 bit sound card (Optional: modem  (14.4 kps, 28.8K bps or faster recommended).

**Don't know if this game will run on newer machines with different versions of Windows...a lot of them can though.**


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