WAKEFIELD A Novel Audio Book on Cassettes by Andrei Codrescu from 2004 UNABRIDGED

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WAKEFIELD A Novel Audio Book on Cassettes. By Andrei Codrescu. Made in 2004 by Highbridge Audio. Unabridged. 10 hours on 6 cassettes. Read by Jeff Woodman.


From the back of the box:

"Wakefield: He's divorced and lives alone in a comfortable book-filled apartment in a sophisticated city. A motivational speaker, his talks leave audiences dispirited and anxious. But for this peculiar talent, he's in demand. Then one day the Devil shows up, walks right into Wakefield's tasteful living room, and says, "Time's Up."

Wakefield makes a bargain with Satan, who is having his own existential crisis due to bureaucratic headaches and younger upstart demons in the afterworld. The Devil gives Wakefield a year to find an authentic life - or else it's curtains. So Wakefield travels across the country meeting New Age gurus, billionaire-techno-geeks, global pioneers, gambling addicts, models, venture capitalists, art collectors, rainforest protectors, and more."

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